The demand for dependable, sustainable and cost effective electricity in the markets, Jubaili Bros serves is continually growing. Diesel generators has been the primary solution, we offer to provide quick on demand electricity to our customers. However in a bid to deliver other options, Jubaili Bros has invested and developed renewable energy alternatives, in particular solar with or without a battery backup.
Combining renewable energy with traditional diesel generators provide an easy solution to reduce the fuel consumption cost, at the same time retains the flexibility of having on demand power supply anytime of the day or night. As in our diesel generators where we only use high quality engines (Perkins) and alternators (Leroy-Somer), Jubaili Bros have also identified and is importing solar, battery and other components from Tier 1 suppliers Worldwide.
Our hybrid solutions are optimum for Telecom application, off grid remote locations, and even for grid connected application in locations where the utility power supply is unsustainable. Our team of engineers are available 24×7 to offer customized hybrid solutions, as per customers specific needs and requirements.
Rahul Shah

Aditya Shriwastav

Rylan Hoffman

Emali Jhon