Message from CEO
At Jubaili Bros our commitment to social responsibility has always been fundamental to the way we work. In this era where social issues have become more complex and diverse, it is crucial that we create value that contributes to society. By investing in social, environmental and community programs we commit to playing a part in the socio-economic development of the communities where we operate.
We regularly monitor, track and record our CSR initiatives, enabling us to improve our impact and footprint over time. As we move ahead we will continue to polish our policies and performance to ensure that Jubaili Bros continues to work towards a sustainable future.
Our vision is to be a force of positive impact in local communities where we operate and in the global community on a social, economic and environmental level.
Our mission is to carryout social, economic and environmental initiatives as part of our business operation while keeping in mind the company’s core purpose, to make a measurable and lasting impact.
At Jubaili Bros we seek to maintain a healthy work environment by ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our employees. This includes ensuring employee wellbeing by promoting a work life balance. Furthermore, we believe in continuous education and providing employee access to training and development. Jubaili Bros complies with the international human rights laws and makes sure to maintain strong governance structures and adherence to anti-corruption measures.
Our Initiatives:
Employee Engagement & Wellness
- We encourage employees to participate in various sports activities by sponsoring participation in basketball, cricket, soccer tournaments and other wellness events.
- We also regularly support employees in participating in marathons, fun runs and other community events.
Workplace Diversity
- We currently have 17 nationalities working internationally at our facilities across the globe.
- We aim to integrate inclusivity in employment by not discriminating against employees with disabilities. In line with that, in Lebanon 3% of its workforce are people with disabilities.
- Conducting business with honesty, integrity and respect for all customers, employees and communities is embedded in our culture.
- We have published a Code of Ethics and Business Conduct which outlines all the ethical standards and procedures of the Company.
- Our internal and external auditors regularly perform audits on our records in order to ensure compliance to all requirements.
Health & safety
- Our managers are held accountable for ensuring that work health safety and environmental standards are in place. All employees are expected to be involved in improvement initiatives and developing the standards.
- Across all our facilities we have a processes for identifying, assessing and controlling hazards and adopting a proactive approach that will strive to eliminate or reduce the risk to an acceptable level.
- All facilities have seen a year on year drop in workplace accidents, which is working towards our goal of ZERO accidents.
Training & Development
- We regularly facilitate trainings and development sessions throughout our branches by inviting in-house as well as external trainers to train on both soft and hard skills.
- Trainings received in 2017 include training on supervisory skills, communication and conflict resolution.
It has always been a part of Jubaili Bros’ philosophy to give back to the communities where we operate by contributing to the social causes. Jubaili Bros recognizes that in order to have a positive impact on societies, we must actively engage with community stakeholders including educational institutions, civil & social organizations and the public sectors wherever applicable. This includes but is not limited to philanthropic activities targeting children and women’s rights, education, health and community development. Additionally, we also work to provide opportunities for employees to volunteer to various social cause activities and offer internship opportunities to the local youth.
Our Initiatives:
- In Nigeria we support various orphanages around the country with financial donations.
- In Afghanistan we regularly donates food packages to the needy families as well as supporting schools by providing desks and other needed school furnishings.
- In Lebanon we donate used generators to the public vocational institutions to be used for educational purposes.
- In the UAE we regularly make donations to Doctors Without Borders supporting causes around the region including hospitals in Yemen and Jordan.
- In addition to above, we support various local non-profit organizations and social institutes by donating in-kind or cash throughout the year.
- We provide employees with opportunities to volunteer in various events supporting local as well as global causes. Some past volunteering events include a run for breast cancer awareness, providing food packages to labor camps and preparing Ramadan Iftar boxes for blue collar workers.
Youth Empowerment
- In Lebanon we offer internship opportunities to university students and fresh graduates, on average 60 youth participate in internships throughout the year.
We are committed to running our business in an environmentally sound and sustainable manner. We strive to ensure our processes and products have minimal adverse environmental impact (commensurate with the legitimate needs of the business). Environmentally-responsible work practices and eco-efficient operations are reliant on all individuals, and we encourage our employees to develop a sustainable approach to their work.
Renewable energy
- We have started focusing on environmental friendly alternatives to the traditional diesel generators, and are investing heavily in growing our solar solutions.
- We are actively looking into other renewable energy systems including hybrid and gas solutions.
Reduce, reuse and recycle
- Across all our facilities, employees are made aware of the importance of conserving energy even through simple things like turning off lights and A/C when not in use.
- To reduce the electricity consumption, light sensors, LED lights, LED projectors have been installed at our facilities.
- Materials used in our production facilities which can be recycled or reused such as batteries and oil are donated or sold.
- Jubaili Bros Lebanon, celebrated Labor Day on May 1st at the Qrayeh Country Club. view
- On April 21, 2018, 40 employees from Jubaili Bros UAE branch tested both their physical and mental skills by participating at the fun filled team bonding activity ‘Rush A Way Corporate Challenge’. view
- Jubaili Bros Lebanon supported career establishment, guidance and insight for students & alumni at Raffic Hariri University’s First Annual Job Fair 2018 held at their University Campus in Mechref, Lebanon. view
- Jubaili Bros Lebanon recently designed and installed a 55.8 kWp Solar System at Aisha School in Lebanon. The system included 180 Poly-crystalline Solar Panels of capacity 310W each along with German made SMA inverters.view
- Jubaili Bros Lebanon designed and installed a 49.6 kWp Solar System at Doha School in Saida, Lebanon. The system included 160 Poly-crystalline Solar Panels of capacity 310W each along with German made SMA inverter.view