In recent times, soundproof generators have offered a solution to one of the issues people have with generators which is noise. With soundproof generators, you can enjoy the benefits of a reliable power supply while being considerate of your surroundings. 

Soundproof generators are fitted with innovative features that help to improve the quality of life for homeowners.

Here’s how they work to reduce noise in noise-sensitive environments: 

1. Soundproof Enclosure: Soundproof generators come in a special enclosure made of sound-absorbing materials like steel, aluminium, or fibreglass. These enclosures absorb and dissipate the sound waves made by the generators to produce a muted sound. 

2. Acoustic Insulation: Apart from the sound-absorbing materials, the enclosures of soundproof generators have insulation materials like foam or fibreglass. These insulation materials further reduce the noise that escapes from the generator.

3. Mufflers and Silencers: Soundproof generators come with special mufflers and silencers that reduce the exhaust noise by up to 50%.

4. Active Noise Cancellation: Soundproof generators come with active noise cancellation technology that uses microphones to detect sound waves and produce waves to cancel them out. Some soundproof generators use this technology to reduce the noise that escapes the generators. 

5. Vibration Isolation and Low-Noise Engine: Some soundproof generators have vibration isolation systems and low-noise engines both designed to reduce the transmission of vibrations and noise and produce fewer decibels than traditional generator engines.

These technologies combined help to reduce the noise levels of soundproof generators up to 90% and this makes them the ideal generator for residential areas.

Benefits of Using Soundproof Generators in Residential Areas.

Residential areas can benefit a lot from having soundproof generators. For example, having a soundproof generator in a residential building is a sure sign that a conducive atmosphere is guaranteed. Other benefits of using soundproof generators in residential areas include:

1. Reduced Noise: With soundproof generators, you can be sure that noise levels will be significantly reduced and this makes them a great choice for neighbourhoods with noise complaints.

2. Improved Quality of Life: A direct benefit of minimised generator noise is a peaceful and conducive atmosphere for homeowners and residential estates.

3. Increased Property Value and Improved Aesthetics: Quiet and undisturbed residences can have more property value than others. Many people desire a quiet living space that complies with their way of life, especially with the recent popularity of remote jobs. 

4. Increased Safety and Environmental Benefits: Reduced noise levels minimize the risk of accidents and injuries caused by excessive generator noise. Apart from noise reduction, some soundproof generators are eco-friendly and do not have adverse environmental impacts.

5. Uninterrupted Power Supply: Soundproof generators are the backup you need for reliable power during outages. They ensure that you have minimal disruption in your daily life.

Apart from homes and residential areas, soundproof generators can also be used in:

  • Home offices and workspaces
  • Construction and renovation sites
  • Outdoor events
  • Healthcare facilities

Soundproof generators are versatile and an important addition to your daily life. They provide you with reliable power while minimizing noise disturbance. 

By investing in a soundproof generator as a homeowner, you’ll be able to strike a balance between power generation and noise reduction.

If you’re looking to buy your first soundproof generator, we’ve got something for you.

Our Perkins 15KVA Soundproof Single Phase generator set is everything you want in a backup power solution in one compact design. You get all the benefits listed above and so much more. 

The  Perkins 15KVA Soundproof Single Phase generator is specially designed to be your trusted companion during power outages so it is equipped with high-quality parts and engines to ensure that you get MORE than your money’s worth.

That’s not all. We offer excellent after-sales services that include a 4-year warranty and maintenance services to tide you through the first few years. Like a trusted friend, we will be ready to support you from purchase to installation and afterwards. 

Get in touch with us and let’s supply you with the best soundproof generator money can buy.